Quality is our top priority. In addition to selling high-quality textiles and hard goods, we also offer a great workshop service. From today to tomorrow, of course.

You ski better with a perfectly tuned ski or snowboard. Only with regular service your sports equipment will retain its good riding characteristics. After a service with our highly modern, computer-controlled grinding robot, you will simply enjoy skiing more.

You can expect the following prices for a perfectly prepared ski:

Small service from SFr. 45.00

(base grinding, edge grinding, waxing)

Large service from SFr. 60.00

(base grinding, edge grinding, structuring, base repair, waxing, infrared-waxing +SFr. 10.00)

Infrared waxing

(With standard allroundwax for alpine- and nordicskis, ask us for other options)

Bindingcheck with BfU-label SFr. 15.00 adults, SFr. 10.00 kids


These are approximate guide prices. We will give you an exact price offer when we can inspect your sports equipment on site. The prices are based on the required work to achieve the expected result.


We tune the skis using the high end tuning-equipment developed and constructed by the company Reichmann&Sohn located in Weissenhorn, Germany. Reichmann and ourselves produced a webvideo for the videoseries "passion for the ultimate tune". We share this passion with Reichmann and we're happy to show you our workshop online.

We are happy to advise you personally
Competent and individual advice is the prime concern at Meyer’s Sporthaus AG. In a personal conversation, we determine your needs in order to recommend the right products for you. Come by and get to know us personally.